亚洲校园 CAMPUS Asia
Asian Youth Exchange Program of Peking University

#Learn | #Discuss | #Friends | #Growth

We created this platform for talented Asian youth, providing high quality introductory college academic courses, interdisciplinary discussions, and various activities to foster friendship among Asian youth. Our hope is that this platform will contribute to the development of deep friendships among Asian youth, enhance their understanding of science, society and the humanities, cultivate talent for future international research collaboration, and promote mutual trust and understanding among talented youth in Asian countries in the future.

Benefits from our exchange programs

Well-structured online courses and live sessions, led by renowned professors from Peking University, tailored specifically for gifted young people in Asia. Equipping you with all the fundamental knowledge necessary for your future learning.
As you navigate through this experience, you'll discover the power of diversity in driving innovation and problem-solving, laying the groundwork for a future where Asia's talented youth lead with empathy, inclusivity, and a deep appreciation of varied perspectives.
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Explore Our Fascinating Courses. 

Our Instructors

Meet Our Core Team

XIE Guangming

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, College of Engineering,
Peking University Center for Systems and Control Intelligent Control Lab

ZOU Peng

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Biology, 
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

SU Yanjie

Department of Developmental and Educational psychology, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University

DONG Qiang

Chair of the French Department of the School of Foreign Languages, Peking Univerisity


Boya Distinguished Professor at the School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University

CHEN Liangyi

College of Future Technology, Peking University

LV Zhi

School of Life Sciences/Institute of Ecology of Peking University


Peking University’s School of Archaeology and Museology, the President of Yungang Grottoes Institute

DAI Hancheng

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Head of the Department of Environmental Management, Peking University

SHAO Lijing

Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University


Professor of Quantum Materials Science Center, School of Physics, Peking University. Director of Light Element Advanced Materials Research Center, Peking University

Courses and Activities to Enhance Your Learning Experience.

Self-paced Online Learning Courses

A comprehensive educational program begins with quality lessons. You can complete the online video course at your own pace and within the designated time. Self-learning, group discussions.

Live Sessions and Group Presentations

Upon completion of each course, we will arrange for instructors to engage in face-to-face online communication, addressing questions in a live session, and providing feedback on each group's presentation.

AI-Enhanced Communication

Our learners can benefit from learning alongside their peers, regardless of their age and language proficiency. We have integrated advanced Artificial Intelligence translation technology to facilitate improved communication abilities among Asian youth.

Summer On-site Exchange Experience

Continue to make progress even during your summer break through a variety of engaging activities. When international exchanges are not affected by the epidemic, we welcome young people from Asian countries to visit Peking University for exchange programs and summer studies.
Write your awesome label here.

Exchange your thoughts with your classmates.

Don't forget to communicate and exchange your thoughts about the course with your international program classmates. Empower your learning experience through Messenger, Meetings, Calendar, Docs, and AI translations – it's all in one place.

Join us for the ultimate online learning and exchange experience.

Welcome to participate in Peking University's Asian Youth Exchange Program online course!

Frequently asked questions

What courses will I take?

You will have the chance to learn from top professionals in the field. All courses are taught by renowned Peking University professors, including online video courses and live Q&A sessions. Students come from Asian countries, with over 100 high school students from China and Japan currently participating in online learning and discussions together. Each course will consist of three pre-recorded video sessions and one live online session. The video sessions will be approximately 0.5 hours each, and the live session will be about 1.5 hours.

How do I select my courses?

We provide various courses on different topics, each lasting one month and commencing as scheduled. Please consult your school's management teacher for the start and end times, which will include video viewing, online discussions, and group reports. We will also promptly notify registered students of the start time. However, if you need any advice or clarifications, we are available at any time.

How can I engage in discussions and communicate with students from other countries?

In this learning platform, our program mainly offers a range of video courses for viewing, reviewing, and assignments. The discussion part mainly takes place on another platform, Feishu-Larksuite, where you can share opinions related to the course. We also provide artificial intelligence translation assistance to help you across multiple languages. Only students who are officially nominated by their school can register for the Feishu-Larksuite platform and become eligible to join the Discussion Group. Please contact the coordinator of our partner high school to qualify for the nomination.

What if I have difficulty understanding the content or language of the course?

We provide multilingual translation of subtitles for video courses, encompassing not only Chinese, but also English and Japanese, along with the option to download subtitled documents. Pre-recorded video sessions, video clips, and post-session assignments will be available on this website. Live sessions will be conducted on Feishu-Larksuite. Automatic AI translations are accessible for every message, document, and meeting on Feishu-Larksuite, spanning multiple languages, facilitating students in grasping course concepts and exchanging ideas with students from different countries.
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